mardi 1 juillet 2008

Sidi Muhammad Ibn Suleyman al-Jazuli

"Ahmed Baba and al-Fasi and others mentioned in “al-Mir’ah” that when they carried [Imam al-Jazuli, author of “Dala’il ul-Khayrat”] to Marrakesh – and the one carrying him was the Sultan Abul Abbas Ahmed known as al-‘A’raj, and that was 77 years after his death (he had been buried in al-Jazulah), they find him not to have changed at all; and the earth did not ate his body, to the point that the trace of shavings from his hair on his head and his beard were still visible as if it had been the day of his death. Some of them put a finger on his face and the blood became concentrated in the spot where the finger were; and if the finger was lifted, the blood was returning as it occurs for the living."

(Al-Talidi, Shaikh Abd Allah Ibn Abd al-Qadir, “Al-Mutrib bi Mashahiri Awliyail Maghreb”, Dar al-Aman, 2003, pp. 146)

5 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…


I'm curious to know whether their are studying opportunities for sisters in Mauritania or is it generally male dominated.
ie- if someone was married, would it be okay for their wife to accomany them?

Unknown a dit…


abdelmalik a dit…

Shaykh Hadd Amin from Twemret says he'll teach fard ain to a woman. Studying opportunity for a woman in Mauritania is scarce, although she would be most welcome to come with her husband or mahram; perhaps her husband can teach her what he learned...

Y.S. a dit…

salaam alaykoum Abdelmalik. Insh'Allah tu te portes bien. Je viens de (re)trouver ton blog et c'est avec plaisir que j'ai lu tes entrees surtout celles en francais. Certaines des choses que tu traverses me sont tres familieres, notamment les questions de fiq vs. tassawuf, etc. Je me dis que lorsque je serais devant Allah azawajal, c'est mon coeur qui va peser pour ou contre moi, en tout cas plus que mon savoir. Mais je comprends que pour avoir une coeur pure il faut connaitre les orders et interdictions d'Allah. Bref, etant une femme, celibataire en plus, c'est plus dur pour moi d'aller seek scared knowledge mais il y a quelque chose d'autre qui m'en empeche, c'est mon intention. Je ne veux pas le faire juste parce que c'est bien. En ce moment, j'ai beosin de travailler ma spiritualite et de purifier mon coeur insh'Allah. Franchement, en tant que francophone, Benino-Senegalaise, j'ai grandi musulamnne mais je ne pratique sincerement que depuis qqs annees. J'ai vecu aux Etats Unis et c'est la bas que Dieu a choisi de me guider et apres j'ai vecu 1 an a Londres. Je suis tout a fait d'accord avec tout ce que tu as dit sur Londres, l'acces aux imams et aux erudits, les mosquees, la bouffe halal et toutes ces opportunites. Je vis et travaille en ce moment et Afrique du Sud mais je pense que si je pouvais choisir ou m'epanouir spirituellement et religieusement ca serait en angleterre. J'ai assez radote, wasalaam.
P.S. ca fait du bien d'ecrire en francais meme si c'ets plus facile d'expliquer tt ca en anglais.

Unknown a dit…

jazakAllah kheir. how does it work for you? are female relatives at home waiting to be taught by you? just wondering.. no response necessary. how is being in mauritania for your arabic though? are you picking up the dialect or focusing on the fus'ha?